Sunday, July 29, 2012


Tonight, for the 1st time n a really long time I'm feeling like a Friend truly opened up his home!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Life's Lil Miracles

Today, Life is Better! After months of insanity, things have finally taken a turn for the better! I was able to find a place to call home after 5 months of being homeless and living on the Tracks, and freaking the fuck out every time the camp skunk would wander up to me, without fear mind you, looking for any leftovers I might be able to share ... Thank-you Heavenly father!

Being Saved!

In my Life, the only constant was change! If that doesn't suck what does? Then came this beautiful Latina to my world, and with it came LDS. They're Always there when u need 'em no matter what!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

On the Fuckin tracks! Again ...

Last night so sucked! After this woman I used to be with picked me up and took me home I became delusional thinking she maybe has the love she claims without a hidden agenda. Boy was I friggin wrong!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sometimes Life Sucks!

I'm apparently one of those convict types who's mean as Hell to everyone, but has a soft spot for stupid Bitches ...

Again Life Sucks!

I'm loving a delusional Bitch!